Postdoctoral researchers

Luis Carrasco Tornero
​Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2015
M.S. Biodiversity: Conservation and Evolution, University of Valencia, Spain, 2010
B.A. Physics, University of Valencia, Spain, 2008
​Research interests: I am interested on how biodiversity and animal species are distributed across the landscapes. I mainly focus on researching new methodologies for developing species distribution predictive models, by combining GIS techniques, advanced statistical methods and computer simulations.

Gengping Zhu

Ben Branoff
Ph.D. Biology, University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, 2018
M.Sc. Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University, 2012
B.Sc. Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, 2009
​​Research interests: Systems ecology and the dynamics between human and natural systems. Multi-disciplinary research involving engineers, sociologists, and natural scientists. Ecosystem adaptations, services, and their utility in a future of changing climate, urban expansion, and increasing anthropogenic influences.