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Papes Oklahoma State University; Papes ecological niche modeling

Hello, I'm Monica PapeÅŸ and I'm an assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I'm also directing the Spatial Analysis Lab at The National Institute of Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)

Contact info:

mail: 569 Dabney Hall

office: 443 Hesler
Knoxville, TN 37996 



Academic history

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Postdoc (2009-2011)

University of Kansas, Ph.D. (2009)​

University of Kansas, M.A. (2003)

Universitatea de Vest, Romania, B.A (1999)




My research focuses on a synthetic understanding of why species are distributed where they are. I combine ecological niche modeling techniques with GIS and remote sensing tools to study the factors that shape species’ geographic distributions.


​Developing course materials and identifying teaching strategies that best work for students are my on-going quests.

Group members

I see mentoring and collaborating as mutual learning experiences. Check out the profiles of the people who keep me informed and busy!  


My publication list. Most papers can be downloaded from ResearchGate.


Contact me if you need a paper that is not available on ResearchGate



Monica Papes

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Tennessee

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